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Out-of-State License Fees

MDTP is a program funded by the State of California which aims to develop and provide diagnostic tools and training to support California mathematics educators in preparing students for success in current and subsequent mathematics courses. We provide MDTP diagnostic tests to California educators for free but must ask educators outside the state to pay a fee to use MDTP tests. 

  • MDTP offers licenses to schools and districts outside of California to access and administer MDTP tests housed on the MDTP online testing platform
  • License fees cover an academic year: July 1 - June 30
  • One academic year = Fall + Spring administration
  • Licensees can administer an unlimited number of tests during the license period
  • MDTP will consult with the licensees to determine which MDTP tests best suits their needs

MDTP Online Testing License (Secondary Level: K-12)

  • Our fee structure for secondary schools is based on school size
    • Small School Threshold <= 3000 students (based on Fall enrollment numbers)
    • Large School Threshold > 3000 students (based on Fall enrollment numbers)
  • Discounts are provided when additional schools from one district are included (see pricing table below)

Number of small schools Total
Discount Amount Number of large schools Total
Discount Amount
1 $500 (normal price) 1 $1,000 (normal price)
2 $950 ($25 off per school) 2 $1,900 ($50 off per school)
3 $1,380 ($40 off per school) 3 $2,760 ($80 off per school)
4 $1,800 ($50 off per school) 4 $3,600 ($100 off per school)
5 $2,200 ($60 off per school) 5 $4,400 ($120 off per school)
6+ $2,500 (max charged) 6+ $5,000 (max charged)



MDTP Online Testing License (Post-Secondary Level)

  • Our fee structure for post-secondary schools is a flat $500 per department


For more information or to enter a license agreement, contact MDTP at: 

Joshua Cho
Office: (858) 822-2590